Contents |
113 |
New chromatic numbers in open problems Protasov I. V. |
115 |
On formulaes of integration by parts for special type of power functions (in Ukrainian) Buhrii O. M. |
118 |
Linear functionals in space of entire functions of finite order and less the given type Malyutin K. G., Studenikina L. I. |
132 |
On splitting functions in Paley-Wiener space Dilnyi V. M., Hishchak T. I. |
137 |
Sum of entire functions of bounded $L$-index in direction Bandura A. I. |
149 |
On uniform equicontinuity of generalized quasiisometries on Riemannian manifolds (in Russian) Sevost'yanov E. A., Skvortsov S. A. |
159 |
Nonlocal boundary value problem for a differential-operator equation
with nonlinear right part in a complex domain (in Ukrainian) Il'kiv V. S., Strap N. I. |
170 |
Existence and uniqueness of solutions for degenerate nonlinear elliptic equations in weigthed Sobolev spaces Cavalheiro A. C. |
182 |
Continual approximate solution of the Boltzmann equation with arbitrary density Gordevskyy V. D., Sazonova E. S. |
194 |
Travaux de Husain et al. sur la continuite automatique des caracteres El Azhari M. |
205 |
A fourth order finite difference method for a nonlinear Helmholtz type boundary value problems in PDEs Pandey P. K., Jaboob S. S. |
213 |
Matematychni Studii