A fourth order finite difference method for a nonlinear Helmholtz type boundary value problems in PDEs |
Author |
pramod_10p@hotmail.com, oman1482@hotmail.com
Department of Mathematics, Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi, India; Ministry of Higher Education, Sultanate of Oman
Abstract |
In this paper we present a fourth order finite difference method for solving nonlinear
Helmholtz type elliptic boundary value problems in two dimensions subject to the Dirichlet
boundary conditions. The present fourth order method is based on the approximation of
derivative by finite difference method and Helmholtz equation. The truncation error and
convergence analysis are presented for the proposed method. We present numerical experiments
to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the method.
Keywords |
finite difference method; fourth order method; Helmholtz equations; maximum absolute error;
nonlinear elliptic equation
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Matematychni Studii
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