Asymptotic estimates for analytic functions in strips and their derivatives

  • G. I. Beregova Lviv Politechnic National University Lviv, Ukraine
  • S. I. Fedynyak Ukrainian Catholic University Lviv, Ukraine
  • Petro Filevych Lviv Polytechnic National University


Let $-\infty\le A_0< A\le +\infty$, $\Phi$ be a continuous function on $[a,A)$ such that for every $x\in\mathbb{R}$ we have $x\sigma-\Phi(\sigma)\to-\infty$ as $\sigma\uparrow A$, $\widetilde{\Phi}(x)=\max\{x\sigma -\Phi(\sigma):\sigma\in [a,A)\}$ be the Young-conjugate function of $\Phi$, ${\Phi}_*(x)=\widetilde{\Phi}(x)/x$ for all sufficiently large $x$, and $F$ be an analytic function in the strip $\{s\in\mathbb{C}\colon A_0<\operatorname{Re}s<A\}$ such that the quantity $S(\sigma,F)=\sup\{|F(\sigma+it)|\colon t\in\mathbb{R}\}$ is finite for all $\sigma\in(A_0,A)$ and $F(s)\not\equiv0$. It is proved that if

\smallskip\centerline{$\ln S(\sigma,F)\le(1+o(1)\Phi(\sigma)$ as $\sigma\uparrow A$,}

\smallskip\noi then

\varlimsup_{\sigma\uparrow A}\frac{S(\sigma,F')}{S(\sigma,F){\Phi}_*^{-1}(\sigma)}\le c_0,

where $c_0<1,1276$ is an absolute constant. From previously obtained results it follows that $c_0$ cannot be replaced by a constant less than $1$.

Біографії авторів

G. I. Beregova, Lviv Politechnic National University Lviv, Ukraine

Lviv Politechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine

S. I. Fedynyak, Ukrainian Catholic University Lviv, Ukraine

Ukrainian Catholic University
Lviv, Ukraine

Petro Filevych, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Lviv Polytechnic National University


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Як цитувати
Beregova, G. I., Fedynyak, S. I., & Filevych, P. (2022). Asymptotic estimates for analytic functions in strips and their derivatives. Математичні студії, 57(2), 137-146.