Is it possible to give a more precise formulation of the criterion of maximal accretivity for one extension of nonnegative operator?

  • O. G. Storozh Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv


The conditions being necessary and sufficient for maximal accretivity and maximal nonnegativity of some closed linear operators in Hilbert space are announced. The following problem is proposed: write down these conditions in more convenient form (one of the admissible variants is indicated).

Біографія автора

O. G. Storozh, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv

Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, Professor


Derkach V.A., Malamud M.M. Theory of the extensions of symmetric operators and boundary problems. Works of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv, 2017. (in Russian)

Як цитувати
Storozh, O. G. (2020). Is it possible to give a more precise formulation of the criterion of maximal accretivity for one extension of nonnegative operator?. Математичні студії, 54(1), 107-108.