On the h-measure of an exceptional set in Fenton-type theorem for Taylor-Dirichlet series
Taylor-Dirichlet series; maximal term; exceptional set
We consider the class $S(\lambda,\beta,\tau)$ of convergent for all $x\ge0$ Taylor-Dirichlet type series of the form $$F(x) =\sum_{n=0}^{+\infty}{b_ne^{x\lambda_n+\tau(x)\beta_n}},\ b_n\geq 0\ (n\geq 0),$$ where $\tau\colon [0,+\infty)\to (0,+\infty)$\ is a continuously differentiable non-decreasing function, $\lambda=(\lambda_n)$ and $\beta=(\beta_n)$ are such that $\lambda_n\geq 0, \beta_n\geq 0$ $(n\geq 0)$. In the paper we give a partial answer to a question formulated by Salo T.M., Skaskiv O.B., Trusevych O.M. on International conference ``Complex Analysis and Related Topics'' (Lviv, September 23-28, 2013) ([2]). We prove the following statement: For each increasing function $h(x)\colon [0,+\infty)\to (0,+\infty)$, $h'(x)\nearrow +\infty$ $ (x\to +\infty)$, every sequence $\lambda=(\lambda_n)$ such that $\displaystyle\sum_{n=0}^{+\infty}\frac1{\lambda_{n+1}-\lambda_n}<+\infty$ and for any non-decreasing sequence $\beta=(\beta_n)$ such that $\beta_{n+1}-\beta_n\le\lambda_{n+1}-\lambda_n$ $(n\geq 0)$ there exist a function $\tau(x)$ such that $\tau'(x)\ge 1$ $(x\geq x_0)$, a function $F\in S(\alpha, \beta, \tau)$, a set $E$ and a constant $d>0$ such that $h-\mathop{meas} E:=\int_E dh(x)=+\infty$ and $(\forall x\in E)\colon\ F(x)>(1+d)\mu(x,F),$ where $\mu(x,F)=\max\{|a_n|e^{x\lambda_n+\tau(x)\beta_n}\colon n\ge 0\}$ is the maximal term of the series. At the same time, we also pose some open questions and formulate one conjecture.References
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2. Salo T.M., Skaskiv O.B., Trusevych O.M. About exceptional sets in Fenton’s type theorem, Сomplex Analysis and Related Topics: Abstracts, International conf. (Lviv, September 23-28, 2013), Lviv, 2013, 67–68.
3. Salo T.M., Skaskiv O.B., Trakalo O.M. On the best possible description of exeptional set in Wiman-Valiron theory for entire function, Mat. Stud. 16 (2001), No2, 131–140. http://matstud.org.ua/texts/2001/162/131140.pdf
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5. Salo T.M., Skaskiv O.B. The minimum modulus of gap power series and h-measure of exceptional sets, arXiv:1512.05557v2 [math.CV], 17 Dec. 2015, 13 p. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1512.05557
6. Salo T.M., Skaskiv O.B. Minimum modulus of lacunary power series and h-measure of exceptional sets, Ufa Math. J., 9 (2017), No4, 135–144.
2. Salo T.M., Skaskiv O.B., Trusevych O.M. About exceptional sets in Fenton’s type theorem, Сomplex Analysis and Related Topics: Abstracts, International conf. (Lviv, September 23-28, 2013), Lviv, 2013, 67–68.
3. Salo T.M., Skaskiv O.B., Trakalo O.M. On the best possible description of exeptional set in Wiman-Valiron theory for entire function, Mat. Stud. 16 (2001), No2, 131–140. http://matstud.org.ua/texts/2001/162/131140.pdf
4. Skaskiv O.B., Trusevych O.M. Maximal term and the sum of a regularly convergent functional series, Visn. Lviv. Un-ty, Ser. Mekh.-Math., 49 (1998), 75–79. (in Ukrainian)
5. Salo T.M., Skaskiv O.B. The minimum modulus of gap power series and h-measure of exceptional sets, arXiv:1512.05557v2 [math.CV], 17 Dec. 2015, 13 p. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1512.05557
6. Salo T.M., Skaskiv O.B. Minimum modulus of lacunary power series and h-measure of exceptional sets, Ufa Math. J., 9 (2017), No4, 135–144.
How to Cite
Bodnarchuk, A., Gal’, Y., & Skaskiv, O. (2024). On the h-measure of an exceptional set in Fenton-type theorem for Taylor-Dirichlet series. Matematychni Studii, 61(1), 109-112. https://doi.org/10.30970/ms.61.1.109-112
Problem Section
Copyright (c) 2024 A.Yu. Bodnarchuk, Yu.M. Gal', O.B. Skaskiv

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