The Pfeiffer-Lax-Sato type vector field equations and the related integrable versal deformations

D. Blackmore, A. Prykarpatski, M. Vovk, P. Pukach, Ya. Prykarpatsky
1) Department of Mathematical Sciences at NJIT University Heights, Newark, NJ, USA; 2)The Department of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science of the Cracov University of Technology, Krakow, Poland; 3, 4) Fundamental Sciences Institute Lviv Polytechnical Universtity, Lviv, Ukraine; 5) The Department of Applied Mathematics the University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland
We study versal deformatiions of the Pfeiffer-Lax-Sato type vector field equations, related with a centrally extended metrized Lie algebra as the direct sum of vector fields and differential forms on torus.
torus diffeomorphisms; vector fields; differential forms; versal deformation; central extension; Lie- Poisson structures; Casimir invariants; central extension
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