Properties of the commutators of some elements of linear groups over divisions rings
Inclusions resulting from the commutativity of elements and their commutators with trans\-vections in the language of residual and fixed submodules are found.
The residual and fixed submodules of an element $\sigma $ of the complete linear group are defined as the image and the kernel of the element $\sigma -1$ and are denoted by $R(\sigma )$ and $P(\sigma )$, respectively.
It is shown that for an arbitrary element $g$ of a complete linear group over a division ring whose characteristic is different from 2 and the transvection $\tau $ from the commutativity of the commutator $\left[g,\tau \right]$ with $g$ is followed by the inclusion of $R(\left[g,\tau \right])\subseteq P(\tau )\cap P(g)$. It is proved that the same inclusions occur over an arbitrary division ring if $g$ is a unipotent element, $\mathrm{dim}\mathrm{}(R\left(\tau \right)+R\left(g\right))\le 2$ and the commutator $\left[g,\tau \right]$ commutes with $\tau $ or if $g$ is a unipotent commutator of some element of the complete linear group and transvection $\ \tau $.
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