The sharp bound of the third Hankel determinants for inverse of starlike functions with respect to symmetric points

  • B. Rath Department of Mathematics, Gitam Institute of Science, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam- 530 045, A.P., India
  • D. V. Krishna Department of Mathematics, Gitam Institute of Science, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam- 530 045, A.P., India
  • K. S. Kumar Department of Mathematics, Gitam Institute of Science, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam- 530 045, A.P., India
  • G. K. S. Viswanadh Department of Mathematics, Gitam Institute of Science, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam- 530 045, A.P., India
Keywords: Analytic function, Upper bound, Hankel determinant, Carath´eodory function


We study the sharp bound for the third Hankel determinant for the inverse function $f$, when it belongs to of the class of starlike functions with respect to symmetric points.

Let $\mathcal{S}^{\ast}_{s}$ be the class of starlike functions with respect to symmetric points. In the article proves the following statements (Theorem): If $f\in \mathcal{S}^{\ast}_{s}$ then
and the result is sharp for $f(z)=z/(1-z^2).$

Author Biographies

B. Rath, Department of Mathematics, Gitam Institute of Science, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam- 530 045, A.P., India

Department of Mathematics, Gitam Institute of Science, GITAM University,
Visakhapatnam- 530 045, A.P., India

D. V. Krishna, Department of Mathematics, Gitam Institute of Science, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam- 530 045, A.P., India

Department of Mathematics, Gitam Institute of Science, GITAM University,
Visakhapatnam- 530 045, A.P., India

K. S. Kumar, Department of Mathematics, Gitam Institute of Science, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam- 530 045, A.P., India

Department of Mathematics, Gitam Institute of Science, GITAM University,
Visakhapatnam- 530 045, A.P., India

G. K. S. Viswanadh, Department of Mathematics, Gitam Institute of Science, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam- 530 045, A.P., India

Department of Mathematics, Gitam Institute of Science, GITAM University,
Visakhapatnam- 530 045, A.P., India


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How to Cite
Rath, B., Krishna, D. V., Kumar, K. S., & Viswanadh, G. K. S. (2022). The sharp bound of the third Hankel determinants for inverse of starlike functions with respect to symmetric points. Matematychni Studii, 58(1), 45-50.