Remarks on the range and the kernel of generalized derivation

  • Y. Bouhafsi Chouaib Doukkali University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics El Jadida, Morocco D´epartement de Math´ematiques Centre R´egional des M´etiers de l’Education et de la Formation Marrakech-Safi, Marocco
  • M. Ech-chad Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Science K´enitra, Morocco
  • M. Missouri Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Science K´enitra, Morocco
  • A. Zouaki Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Science K´enitra, Morocco
Keywords: derivation; orthogonality; Fuglede-Putnam property; subnormal operator; compact operator; dominant operator


Let L(H) denote the algebra of operators on a complex
infinite dimensional Hilbert space H and let J
denote a two-sided ideal in L(H). Given A,BL(H), define
the generalized derivation δA,B as an operator on
L(H) by


\smallskip\noi We say that the pair of
operators (A,B) has the Fuglede-Putnam property
(PF)J if AT=TB and TJ implies
AT=TB. In this paper, we give operators A,B for
which the pair (A,B) has the property (PF)J. We
establish the orthogonality of the range and the kernel of a
generalized derivation δA,B for non-normal operators A,BL(H). We also obtain new results concerning the intersection
of the closure of the range and the kernel of δA,B.

Author Biographies

Y. Bouhafsi, Chouaib Doukkali University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics El Jadida, Morocco D´epartement de Math´ematiques Centre R´egional des M´etiers de l’Education et de la Formation Marrakech-Safi, Marocco

Chouaib Doukkali University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics
El Jadida, Morocco
D´epartement de Math´ematiques
Centre R´egional des M´etiers de l’Education et de la Formation
Marrakech-Safi, Marocco

M. Ech-chad, Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Science K´enitra, Morocco

Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Science
K´enitra, Morocco

M. Missouri, Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Science K´enitra, Morocco

Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Science
K´enitra, Morocco

A. Zouaki, Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Science K´enitra, Morocco

Ibn Tofail University, Faculty of Science
K´enitra, Morocco


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How to Cite
Bouhafsi, Y., Ech-chad, M., Missouri, M., & Zouaki, A. (2022). Remarks on the range and the kernel of generalized derivation. Matematychni Studii, 57(2), 202-209.