Inversor of digits $Q^∗_2$-representative of numbers
We consider structural, integral, differential properties of function defined by equality
$$I(\Delta^{Q_2^*}_{\alpha_1\alpha_2...\alpha_n...})=\Delta^{Q_2^*}_{[1-\alpha_1][1-\alpha_2]...[1-\alpha_n]...}, \quad \alpha_n\in A\equiv\{0,1\}$$
for two-symbol polybasic non-self-similar representation of numbers of closed interval $[0;1]$ that is a generalization of classic binary representation and self-similar two-base $Q_2$-representation.
For additional conditions on the sequence of bases, singularity of the function and self-affinity of the graph are proved.
Namely, the derivative is equal to zero almost everywhere in the sense of Lebesgue measure.
The integral of the function is calculated.
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Copyright (c) 2021 M. V. Pratsiovytyi, Ya. V. Goncharenko, N. V. Dyvliash, S. P. Ratushniak

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