Construction of a generalized Voronoi diagram with optimal placement of generator points based on the theory of optimal set partitioning
The problem of construction of a generalized Voronoi diagram with optimal placement of a finite number of generator points in a bounded set of \textit{n}-dimensional Euclidean space is considered. A method is proposed for solving such a problem based on the formulation of the corresponding continuous problem of optimal partitioning of a set in \textit{n}-dimensional Euclidean space with a partition quality criterion that provides the corresponding form of the Voronoi diagram. Further, to solve such a problem, the developed mathematical and algorithmic apparatus is used, the part of which is Shor's \textit{r}-algorithm.
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Copyright (c) 2020 E.M. Kiseleva, L.L. Hart, O.M. Prytomanova , S.V. Zhuravel

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