An extremal problem for volume functionals |
Author |
ruslan.salimov1@gmail.com1, kban1988@gmail.com2
1) Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine; 2) Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine
Abstract |
We consider the class of ring $Q$-homeomorphisms with respect to
p-modulus in $\Bbb R^{n}$ with $p > n$, and obtain a lower bound for
the volume of images of a ball under such mappings. In particular, the following theorem is proved in the paper: Let $D$ be a bounded domain in $\Bbb R^{n}$,
$n \geqslant 2$ and let $f\colon D \rightarrow \Bbb R^{n}$ be a ring
$Q$-homeomorphism with respect to $p$-modulus at a point $x_0 \in D$
with $p>n$, and the function $Q$ satisfies the condition
$ q_{x_{0}}(t) \leqslant q_{0}\,t^{-\alpha},\, q_{0} \in
(0, \infty)\,,\, \alpha \in [0, \infty)$
for a.e. $t\in (0, d_0)$, $d_0 = {\rm dist}(x_{0},
\partial D)$. Then for all $r\in (0, d_0)$ the estimate
m(fB(x_0, r)) \geqslant
\, r^{\frac{n(\alpha+ p - n)}{p-n}}\,,
holds, where $\Omega_n$ is the volume of the unit ball in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$.
In addition, in the paper it is
solved an extremal problem on minimizing the volume
functional of the image of a ball.
Keywords |
ring Q-homeomorphism; p-modulus of a family of curves; quasiconformal mapping; condenser;
p-capacity of a condenser; volume functional
Reference |
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Matematychni Studii
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