Sandwich results for higher order fractional derivative operators |
Author |
hanaa_zayed42@yahoo.com1, bulboaca@math.ubbcluj.ro2
1) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science
Menofia University, Shebin Elkom, Egypt; 2) Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Abstract |
In this paper we obtain some differential subordinations and superordinations related to
a generalized fractional derivative operator for higher order derivatives of multivalent functions.
Moreover, we derive some sandwich results under certain assumptions on the parameters
involved, and these new results generalize some previously well-known theorems.
Keywords |
analytic functions; univalent functions; differential subordination and superordination; hypergeometric
function; generalized fractional derivative operator
Reference |
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Journal |
Matematychni Studii
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