Wimans type inequality for multiple power series in an unbounded cylinder domain |
Author |
andriykuryliak@gmail.com1, 12lvan.n@ukr.net2
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine
Abstract |
In this paper we prove some analogues of Wimans inequality for analytic $f(z)$ and random analytic functions $f(z,t)$ on
$\mathbb T=\mathbb D^l\times\mathbb C^{p-l}$, $l\in\mathbb N,\ 1\leq l\le p$, $I=\{1,\ldots, l\},\ J=\{l+1,\ldots, p\}$ of the form $f(z)=\sum_{\|n\|=0}^{+\infty}a_nz^n$, $f(z,t)=\sum_{\|n\|=0}^{+\infty}a_nZ_n(t)z^n$ respectively. Here $Z=(Z_n)$ is a multiplicative system of random variables on the Steinhaus probability space, uniformly bounded by the number 1.
In particular, there are proved the following statements: For every $\delta>0$ there exist sets $E_1=E_1(\delta,f),\ E_2=E_2(\delta,f)\subset [0,1)^l\times(1,+\infty)^{p-l}$ of asymptotically finite logarithmic measure, such that the inequalities
M_f(r)\leq\mu_f(r)\prod_{i\in I}\frac{1}{(1-r_i)^{1+\delta}}\ln^{{p/2}+\delta}\Bigl(\mu_f(r)\prod_{i\in I}\frac{1}{1-r_i}\Bigl)\Bigl
(\prod_{j\in J}\ln r_j\Bigl)^{p+\delta},\\
M_f(r,t)\leq\mu_f(r)\prod_{i\in I}\frac{1}{(1-r_i)^{1/2+\delta}}\ln^{{p/4}+\delta}\Bigl(\mu_f(r)\prod_{i\in I}\frac{1}{1-r_i}\Bigl)\Bigl
(\prod_{j\in J}\ln r_j\Bigl)^{ p/2+\delta}.
hold for all $r\in T\setminus E_1$ and for all $r\in T\setminus E_2$
a.s. in $t$, respectively.
Also is proved sharpness of the obtained inequalities.
Keywords |
maximum modulus; maximal term; multiple power series; Wimans type inequality
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Matematychni Studii
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