Wimans type inequality for multiple power series in an unbounded cylinder domain

A. O. Kuryliak1, V. L. Tsvigun2
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine
In this paper we prove some analogues of Wimans inequality for analytic $f(z)$ and random analytic functions $f(z,t)$ on $\mathbb T=\mathbb D^l\times\mathbb C^{p-l}$, $l\in\mathbb N,\ 1\leq l\le p$, $I=\{1,\ldots, l\},\ J=\{l+1,\ldots, p\}$ of the form $f(z)=\sum_{\|n\|=0}^{+\infty}a_nz^n$, $f(z,t)=\sum_{\|n\|=0}^{+\infty}a_nZ_n(t)z^n$ respectively. Here $Z=(Z_n)$ is a multiplicative system of random variables on the Steinhaus probability space, uniformly bounded by the number 1. In particular, there are proved the following statements: For every $\delta>0$ there exist sets $E_1=E_1(\delta,f),\ E_2=E_2(\delta,f)\subset [0,1)^l\times(1,+\infty)^{p-l}$ of asymptotically finite logarithmic measure, such that the inequalities \begin{gather*} M_f(r)\leq\mu_f(r)\prod_{i\in I}\frac{1}{(1-r_i)^{1+\delta}}\ln^{{p/2}+\delta}\Bigl(\mu_f(r)\prod_{i\in I}\frac{1}{1-r_i}\Bigl)\Bigl (\prod_{j\in J}\ln r_j\Bigl)^{p+\delta},\\ M_f(r,t)\leq\mu_f(r)\prod_{i\in I}\frac{1}{(1-r_i)^{1/2+\delta}}\ln^{{p/4}+\delta}\Bigl(\mu_f(r)\prod_{i\in I}\frac{1}{1-r_i}\Bigl)\Bigl (\prod_{j\in J}\ln r_j\Bigl)^{ p/2+\delta}. \end{gather*} hold for all $r\in T\setminus E_1$ and for all $r\in T\setminus E_2$ a.s. in $t$, respectively. Also is proved sharpness of the obtained inequalities.
maximum modulus; maximal term; multiple power series; Wimans type inequality
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