Cauchy, infinitesimals and ghosts of departed quantifiers |
Author |;;;;;;;;;;;;
HEC-ULG, University of Liege, 4000 Belgium;
Institute of Mathematics, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland;
Department of Mathematics, University of Idaho, Moscow, Russia;
Department of Mathematics, University of Namur, Belgium;
IPPI, Moscow, and MIIT, Moscow, Russia;
Department of Mathematics, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel;
Department of Mathematics, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel;
Department of Mathematics, Lviv National University, Ukraine;
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk State University, Russia;
Rice University, US;
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science,
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Donostia San Sebastian, Spain;
Department of Classical Studies, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel;
Department of Philosophy, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, US
Abstract |
Procedures relying on infinitesimals in Leibniz, Euler and Cauchy have been interpreted
in both a Weierstrassian and Robinson’s frameworks. The latter provides closer proxies for
the procedures of the classical masters. Thus, Leibniz’s distinction between assignable and
inassignable numbers finds a proxy in the distinction between standard and nonstandard numbers
in Robinson’s framework, while Leibniz’s law of homogeneity with the implied notion
of equality up to negligible terms finds a mathematical formalisation in terms of standard
part. It is hard to provide parallel formalisations in a Weierstrassian framework but scholars
since Ishiguro have engaged in a quest for ghosts of departed quantifiers to provide a Weierstrassian
account for Leibniz’s infinitesimals. Euler similarly had notions of equality up to negligible
terms, of which he distinguished two types: geometric and arithmetic. Euler routinely
used product decompositions into a specific infinite number of factors, and used the binomial
formula with an infinite exponent. Such procedures have immediate hyperfinite analogues in
Robinson’s framework, while in a Weierstrassian framework they can only be reinterpreted by
means of paraphrases departing significantly from Euler’s own presentation. Cauchy gives lucid
definitions of continuity in terms of infinitesimals that find ready formalisations in Robinson’s
framework but scholars working in a Weierstrassian framework bend over backwards either to
claim that Cauchy was vague or to engage in a quest for ghosts of departed quantifiers in his
work. Cauchy’s procedures in the context of his 1853 sum theorem (for series of continuous
functions) are more readily understood from the viewpoint of Robinson’s framework, where
one can exploit tools such as the pointwise definition of the concept of uniform convergence.
As case studies, we analyze the approaches of Craig Fraser and Jesper L¨utzen to Cauchy’s
contributions to infinitesimal analysis, as well as Fraser’s approach toward Leibniz’s theoretical
strategy in dealing with infinitesimals. The insights by philosophers Ian Hacking and others into
the important roles of contextuality and contingency tend to undermine Fraser’s interpretive
Keywords |
historiography; infinitesimal; Latin model; butterfly model; law of continuity; ontology; practice;
Cauchy; Leibniz
Reference |
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