Review of the book by Roman Duda, “Pearls from a lost city. The Lvov school of mathematics” |
Author |
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden
Abstract |
This review is an extended version of my two short reviews of Duda's book that were
published in MathSciNet and Mathematical Intelligencer. Here it is written about the Lvov
School of Mathematics in greater detail, which I could not do in the short reviews. There are
facts described in the book as well as some information the books lacks as, for instance, the
information about the planned print in Mathematical Monographs of the second volume of
Banach's book and also books by Mazur, Schauder and Tarski.
Keywords |
Lvov School of Mathematics; functional analysis; Banach spaces
Reference |
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Matematychni Studii
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