On derivatives of conjugate trigonometric polynomials in $L_0$ (in Russian)

Author A. N. Adamov
Îäåññêèé íàöèîíàëüíûé óíèâåðñèòåò ³ì. È.È. Ìå÷íèêîâà

Abstract We consider Szego type inequality, where the norm of the derivatives of the conjugate trigonometric polynomials is measured by the norm of the polynomial itself in $L_0$ space. We improve the estimate of the constant in it, which was got by V. V. Arestov before.
Keywords derivatives of the polynomials; conjugate trigonometric polynomial; L_0 space; Szego inequality
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Pages 147-154
Volume 37
Issue 2
Year 2012
Journal Matematychni Studii
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