Matematychni Studii
INDEX 2021

Aid O. F., Senoussaoui A. The boundedness of a class of semiclassical Fourier integral operators on Sobolev space $H^{s}$
Anaya J. G., Castaneda-Alvarado E., Martinez-Cortez J. A. Induced mappings on $C_n(X)/{C_n}_K(X)$
Argyros I. K., Sharma D., Argyros C. I., Parhi S. K., Sunanda S. K., Argyros M. I. Extended ball convergence for a seventh order derivative free class of algorithms for nonlinear equations
Babenko V. F., Parfinovych N. V., Skorokhodov D. S. Optimal recovery of operator sequences
Bak S. M., Kovtonyuk G. M. Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for system of oscillators on 2D-lattice in weighted $l^2$-spaces
Banakh T., Hryniv O., Hudym V. $G$-deviations of polygons and their applications in electric power engineering
Banakh T. O., Ravsky A. V. On pseudobounded and premeage paratopological groups
Bandura A. I., Salo T. M., Skaskiv O. B. Note on composition of entire functions and bounded $L$-index in direction
Banerjee A., Roy A. A note on power of meromorphic function and its shift operator of certain hyper-order sharing one small function and a value
Baranetskij Ya. O., Demkiv I. I., Kopach M. I., Solomko A. V. Interpolation rational integral fraction of the Hermite type on a continual set of nodes
Baziv N. M., Hrybel O. B. On the algebraic dimension of Riesz spaces
Bedoya D., Ortega M., Ramirez W., Urieles A. New biparametric families of Apostol-Frobenius-Euler polynomials of level $m$
Bhoi K., Ray P. K. Repdigits as difference of two Fibonacci or Lucas numbers
Biswas G., Sahoo P. A note on the value distribution of $\varphi f^2 f^{(k)}-1$
Bratiichuk Ì. S., Chechelnitsky À. A., Usar ². Ja. Finite $M/M/1$ retrial model with changeable service rate
Chabanyuk Y. M., Nikitin A. V., Khimka U. T. Control problem for the impulse process under stochastic optimization procedure and Levy conditions
Chakraborty B., Lu W. On the value distribution of a differential monomial and some normality criteria
Danchev P. V. On the idempotent and nilpotent sum numbers of matrices over certain indecomposable rings and related concepts
Dmytryshyn M. I. Approximation by interpolation spectral subspaces of operators with discrete spectrum
Dudkin M. E., Dyuzhenkova O. Y. Singularly perturbed rank one linear operators
Frontczak R., Goy T. General infinite series evaluations involving Fibonacci numbers and the Riemann zeta function
Gadjiev T. S., Rustamov Ya., Aliev S., Maharramova T. A. Forcing the system by a drift
Halushchak S. I. Isomorphisms of some algebras of analytic functions of bounded type on Banach spaces
Kim S. G. The norming set of a symmetric bilinear form on the plane with the supremum norm
Korenovskyi A. The reverse Holder inequality for an elementary function
Lopotko O. V. Evenly positive definite function of Hilbert space. Self-adjoint operators which are connected by algebraic relationship
Mamalyha Kh. V., Osypchuk M. M. Properties of single layer potentials for a pseudo-differential equation related to a linear transformation of a rotationally invariant stable stochastic process
Mulyava O. M. On the relative growth of Dirichlet series with zero abscissa of absolute convergence
Muzychuk A. O. The Laguerre transform of a convolution product of vector-valued functions
Nguyen T. H., Vishnyakova A. On entire fun\-ctions from the Laguerre-Polya I class with non-monotonic second quotients of Taylor coefficients
Normenyo B. V., Rihane S. E., Togbe A. Fermat and Mersenne numbers in the $k$-Pell sequence
Pratsiovytyi M. V., Goncharenko Ya. V., Dyvliash N. V., Ratushniak S. P. Inversor of digits $Q_2^*$-representative of numbers
Pratsiovytyi M. V., Goncharenko Ya. V., Lysenko I. M., Ratushniak S. P. Fractal functions of exponential type that is generated by the $\mathbf{Q_2^*}$-representation of argument
Protasov I. V. Finitary approximations of coarse structures
Protasov I. V. On asymorphisms of finitary coarse spaces
Ravsky A. V. A counterexample to Henry E. Dudeney's star puzzle
Rosas E., Carpintero C., Sanabria J., Vielma J. Upper and lower $(\alpha, \beta,\theta,\delta,\mathcal{I})$-continuous multifunctions
Savchuk Ya. I., Bandura A. I. Structure of the set of Borel exceptional vectors for entire curves. II
Savchuk A. V. Point-wise estimates for the derivative of algebraic polynomials
Savchuk Ya. I., Bandura A. I. Asymptotic vectors of entire curves
Sevost'yanov E. A. Isolated singularities of mappings with the inverse Poletsky inequality
Sheremeta M. M. On the growth of series in system of functions and Laplace-Stieltjes integrals
Sheremeta M. M. Pseudostarlike and pseudoconvex solutions of a differential equation with exponential coefficients
Sheremeta M. M. Note to the behavior of the maximal term of Dirichlet series absolutely convergent in half-plane
Skripnik N. V. Averaging method for impulsive differential inclusions with fuzzy right-hand side
Sushchyk N. S., Degnerys V. M. Factorisation of orthogonal projectors
Yarova O. A., Yeleyko Ya. I. The renewal equation in nonlinear approximation
Zabavsky B. V., Domsha O. V., Romaniv O. M. Clear rings and clear elements
Zamrii I. V., Shkapa V. V., Vlasyk H. M. Fundamentals of metric theory of real numbers in their $\overline{Q_3}$-representation

Matematychni Studii