Review of the book by Mariusz Urbanek, Genialni Lwowska Szko la Matematyczna"( Polish) [Geniuses the Lvov school of mathematics], Wydawnictwo Iskry, Warsaw 2014, 283 pp. ISBN: 978-83-244-0381-3

L. Maligranda
Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics Lulea University of Technology, Sweden
This review is an extended version of my short review of Urbanek's book that was published in MathSciNet. Here it is written about his book in greater detail, which was not possible in the short review. I will present facts described in the book as well as some false information there.
Lvov School of Mathematics; functional analysis; Banach spaces
1. S. Banach, Sur les operations dans les ensembles abstraits et leur application aux equations integrales [On operators defined on abstract sets and their applications to integral equations], Fund. Math., 3 (1922), 133181. JFM 48.0201.01; Reprinted in: [6], II, 305348. (in French)

2. S. Banach, Teoria operacji. Tom I. Operacje liniowe [Theory of Operations. Volume I. Linear Operations], Warszawa 1931, viii+236 p. (in Polish)

3. S. Banach, Theorie des operations lineaires [Theory of Linear Operations], Monografie Matematyczne, Tom 1, Warszawa 1932, viii+252 pp. ; Reprinted in: [6], Vol. II, 13219. (in French)

4. S. Banach, A Course of Functional Analysis (Linear Operations), Radianska Skola, Kiev 1948, 216 p. (in Ukrainian)

5. Stefan Banach, Oeuvres, Vol. I. Travaux sur les fonctions reelles et sur les series orthogonales [Stefan Banach, Collected Papers, Vol. I. Papers on real functions and orthogonal series] (French), PWN, Warszawa 1967, 382 p. MR0220570 (36 #3624).

6. Stefan Banach, Oeuvres, Vol. II. Travaux sur lanalyse fonctionnelle [Stefan Banach, Collected Papers, Vol. II. Papers on functional analysis], PWN, Warszawa 1979, 470 p. MR0563126 (81f:46001).

7. S.H. Case, The Scottish Cafe, Slapering Hol Press, New York 2002, 37 p.; Polish transl.: S.H. Case, Kawiarnia Szkocka, translated by Seweryn Makosa with literary consultation of Harry Duda, Uniwersytet Opolski, Opole 2010, 67 p.

8. R. Duda, Lwowska Szko la Matematyczna [The Lvov School of Mathematics], University of Wroclaw Publisher, Wroclaw 2007, 256 p. (in Polish)

9. R. Duda, The Lvov School of Mathematics, Translation from the Polish text, with supplementary footnotes, by Daniel Davies, Eur. Math. Soc. Newsl., 78 (2010), 4050. MR2769000.

10. R. Duda, Pearls From a Lost City. The Lvov School of Mathematics, Translated from the 2007 Polish original by Daniel Davies, History of Mathematics 40, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI 2014, xii+231 pp., ISBN:978-1-4704-1076-6. MR3222779.

11. R. Duda, Lwowska Szkola Matematyczna, 2nd Edition [The Lvov School of Mathematics], 2nd Edition, University of Wroclaw Publisher, Wroclaw 2014, 266 pp. (in Polish)

12. E. Jakimowicz, A. Miranowicz (ed.), Stefan Banach. Niezwykle zycie i matematyka, Gdansk 2009; English transl.: Stefan Banach: remarkable life, brilliant mathematics, third edition, Gdansk 2011, xiii+185 pp. MR3410189.

13. M. Kac, Zagadkilosu, Upowszechnianie Nauki Oswiata, Warszawa 1997, 143 pp. This is a Polish translation by Katarzyna Akst-Lipszyc and Henryk Lipszyc of the book Enigmas of chance. An autobiography, New York 1985, xxviii+163 pp. MR0837421 (87m:01054).

14. R. Kaluza, Stefan Banach, Wydawnictwo GZ, Warszawa 1992, 167 pp.; English transl.: The life of Stefan Banach. Through a reporters eyes, translated from the Polish, edited and with a preface by Ann Kostant and Wojbor Woyczynski, BirkhNauser, Boston 1996, x+137 p. MR1392949 (97d:01029).

15. K. Kuratowski, Po l wieku matematyki polskiej 1920.1970: wspomnienia i refleksje, Warszawa 1973: English transl.: K. Kuratowski, A half century of Polish mathematics. Remembrances and reflections, Pergamon Press &Polish Scientific Publishers 1980. MR0565253 (83f:01027).

16. K. Kuratowski, Notatki do autobiografii (Autobiographical notes), Warszawa 1981. (in Polish)

17. L. Maligranda, Stefan Kaczmarz (1895-1939), Antiq. Math., 1 (2007), 15-61. (in Polish) MR2604763; Reprint in Leksykon Matematykow Polskich, 2008, 1-47 at: biogramy/ kaczmarz/kaczmarz.php

18. L. Maligranda, Eustachy Zylinski (1889.1954), Antiq. Math., 3 (2009), 171-211. (in Polish)

19. L. Maligranda, Review of the book: Albrecht Pietsch, History of Banach spaces and linear operators, BirkhNauser, Boston, MA 2007, xxiv+855 pp., Wiad. Mat., 48 (2012), 1, 158-165. (in Polish)

20. L. Maligranda, Jozef Schreier (1908.1942). Biografia, Wiad. Mat., 49 (2013), 2, 47-60. (in Polish) MR3155246.

21. L. Maligranda, Review of the book: Roman Duda,Pearls from a Lost City. The Lvov School of Mathematics Translated from the 2007 Polish original by Daniel Davies, History of Mathematics 40, AMS, Providence 2014, xii+231 pp., ISBN:978-1-4704-1076-6, Math. Reviews MR3222779, 11 April 2015, 5 p.

22. L. Maligranda, Review of the book: Roman Duda, Pearls from a Lost City. The Lvov School of Mathematics", Mat. Stud., 46 (2016), 2, 203-216.

23. L. Maligranda, Review of the book: Roman Duda, Pearls from a Lost City. The Lvov School of Mathematics Translated from the 2007 Polish original by Daniel Davies, History of Mathematics 40, AMS, Providence 2014, xii+231 pp., ISBN:978-1-4704-1076-6, Math. Intelligencer, 39 (2017), 1, 74-76. MR3644154.

24. L. Maligranda, Review of the book: Mariusz Urbanek, Genialni - Lwowska Szko la Matematyczna" (Polish) [Geniuses - the Lvov school of mathematics], Wydawnictwo Iskry, Warsaw 2014, 283 p. ISBN: 978-83-244-0381-3. MR 3700207, May 2018, 3 p.

25. L. Maligranda, J. Prytula, Przes luchania Stefana Banacha z 1944 roku [The hearings of Stefan Banach from 1944], Wiad. Mat., 48 (2012), 1, 51-72. (in Polish) MR2962203.

26. L. Maligranda, J. Prytula, Lwowscy uczeni wymienieni w przes luchaniach Banacha z 1944 roku [Lvovian scientists mentioned in Banachs hearings from 1944], Wiad. Mat., 49 (2013), 1, 29-66. (in Polish) MR3112501.

27. L. Maligranda, W. Wnuk, Wladyslaw Orlicz (1903-1990), Wiad. Mat., 36 (2000), 85-147. (in Polish) MR1817358 (2001k:01059).

28. R.D. Mauldin, The Scottish Book. Mathematics from the Scottish Cafe, BirkhNauser, Boston 1981, xiii+268 pp. MR0666400 (84m:00015). An updated and expanded 2nd edition appeared in 2015, xvii+322 pp.

29. A. McFarland, J. McFarland, J.T. Smith (eds), Alfred Tarski. Early work in Poland . geometry and teaching. With a bibliographic supplement, BirkhNauser/Springer, New York 2014, xiii+499 pp. MR3307383.

30. W. Orlicz, Lwowska Szko la Matematyczna w okresie mie.dzywojennym [The Lvov School of Mathematics in the interwar period], Wiad. Mat., 23 (1981), 2, 222-231. (in Polish) MR0687675 (84f:01038).

31. W ladys law Orlicz, Collected Papers, Part I, II. With contributions by Wanda Matuszewska and Lech Maligranda, PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw 1988, lvi+850 pp. and x+851.1688. MR0963250 (89i:01141).

32. W ladys law Orlicz: tworca Poznanskiej Szko ly Matematycznej [W ladys law Orlicz: founder of the Poznan School of Mathematics], Edited by Jerzy Ka.kol and Zbigniew Palka, Ser. Mat. 17, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Poznan 2002, 135 pp. (in Polish) MR2394674 (2009g:00015).

33. A. Pietsch, History of Banach Spaces and Linear Operators, BirkhNauser, Boston 2007, xxiv+855 pp. MR2300779 (2008i:46002).

34. A. Plichko, Remarks to the book: M. Urbanek, Geniuses - the Lvov school of mathematics", Math. Bull. Shevchenko Sci. Soc., 13 (2016), 130-135. (in Ukrainian)

35. A.M. Plichko, Ya.G. Prytula, The 60th anniversary of the publication of the Ukrainian translation of S. Banachs book, Mat. Stud., 30 (2008), 1, 107-112. (in Ukrainian) MR2492767.

36. Z. Pogoda, Review of the book: M. Urbanek, Geniuses . the Lvov school of mathematics", Wiad. Mat., 51 (2015), 1, 176-180. (in Polish)

37. H. Steinhaus, Wspomnienia i zapiski, drugie wydanie, Oficyna Wydawnicza Atut [Memories and notes, 2nd edition, Publishing House Atut], Wroc law 2002, 605 pp. (1st edition by Publishing House Aneks, London 1992, 587 pp.; 3rd edition by Publishing House Atut, Wroc law 2010, 568 p. . all editions in Polish). There is an English translation, in two volumes, with the title Recollections and notes. Vol. 1 (1887.1945), Vol. 2 (1945.1968), translated from the Polish by Abe Shenitzer, edited and with an introduction by Robert G. Burns, Irena Szymaniec and Aleksander Weron, BirkhNauser/Springer 2015, xiii+491 p. and 2016, xi+403 p. MR3444929, MR3468913.

38. Hugo Steinhaus, Selected Papers, PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw 1985, 899 p. MR0819233 (87g:01065).

39. S. Ulam, Wspomnienia z Kawiarni Szkockiej [Reminiscences from the Scottish Cafe], Wiad. Mat., 12 (1969), 2, 49-58. MR0245418 (39 #6726)

40. S. Ulam, Sets, numbers, and universes: selected works, Edited by W.A. Beyer, J. Mycielski and G.-C. Rota, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.-London, 1974, xxiii+709 p. MR0441664 (56 #67).

41. S. Ulam, Przygody matematyka, Proszynski i S-ka, Warszawa 1996, 359 pp. This is Polish translation by Agnieszka Gornicka of the book S. M. Ulam, Adventures of a mathematician, Charles Scribners Sons, New York 1976, xi+317 pp. MR0485098 (58 #4954).

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