Analytic in a polydisc functions of bounded L-index in joint variables

A. I. Bandura, N. V. Petrechko, O. B. Skaskiv
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
A concept of boundedness of L-index in joint variables (see in Bordulyak M.T. The space of entire in $\mathbb{C}^n$ functions of bounded L-index, Mat. Stud. 4 (1995), 53–58; Bandura A. I., Bordulyak M. T., Skaskiv O. B. Sufficient conditions of boundedness of L-index in joint variables, Mat. Stud. 45 (2016), 12–26) is generalised for an analytic function in a polydisc. We proved criteria of boundedness of L-index in joint variables which describe local behaviour of partial derivative. Some improvements of known sufficient conditions of boundednees of L-index in joint variables are obtained.
analytic function; polydisc; bounded L-index in joint variables; maximum modulus; partial derivative
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