Discontinuity points of separately continuous mappings with values in the Sorgenfrey line (in Ukrainian) |
Author |
vmaslyuchenko@ukr.net, myronyk.oks@gmail.com
Chernivtsi National University
Abstract |
We prove the following results. Let $X$ and $Y$ be topological
spaces with $Y$ first countable. If $f\colon X\times Y\to \mathbb L$ is a
separately continuous mapping with values in the Sorgenfrey line $\mathbb L$ then for every $y\in Y$ the set $D_y(f)=\{x\in X\colon (x,y)$
is a discontinuity point of $f$
is meager in $X$. Conversely, for every meager $F_\sigma$-set $A$ in $\mathbb L$ and for arbitrary point $b$
of the rational line $\mathbb Q$ we construct the separately continuous mapping $f\colon \mathbb L\times\mathbb Q\to \mathbb L$, such that
the set of all discontinuity points is equal to $A\times \{b\}$.
Keywords |
Sorgenfrey line; separately continuous mapping
Reference |
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Pages |
Volume |
Issue |
Year |
Journal |
Matematychni Studii
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