Solving of initial-boundary value problems for the wave equation using retarded surface potential and Laguerre transform (in Ukrainian) |
Author |,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Abstract |
Approach for solving of initial-boundary value problems for the homogeneous wave equation
is described and proved. It is based on the Laguerre transform in the time domain and the
boundary integral equations. Retarded potentials are used for representation of generalized solutions
of such problems. The densities of retarded potentials are expanded in Fourier-Laguerre
series which coefficients have special convolution form. As a result, initial-boundary value problems
are reduced to a sequence of boundary integral equations.
Keywords |
initial-boundary value problem; wave equation; Sobolev spaces; generalized solution; retarded
surface potentials; Laguerre transform; time domain boundary integral equations
Reference |
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Matematychni Studii
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